Large Scale Software Architecture Tutorial
This tutorial will help you manage this complexity through the use of industry-proven software architecture approaches, based on the UML and IEEE 1471 standards. We will introduce software architecture terminology and approaches, focusing on a set of UML viewpoints that represent the important aspects of a large-scale software architecture. These viewpoints include context, component, subsystems, process and deployment. These viewpoints leverage the recent IEEE 1471 standard for software architecture representations providing a description of the purpose, stakeholders, and techniques associated with each viewpoint. The tutorial also presents other practical techniques essential to developing an effective software architecture. Topics covered in the tutorial include:
This tutorial has been presented at OOPSLA 2006 and has received praise from Michal Stal. The tutorial has also been presented at prior OOPSLA's, Working Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA), and Ground System Architectures Workshop (GSAW). Interested in having this tutorial presented at your facility? Contact CrystalClear Software at Sales@CrystalClear Software |